10 Hosting – Check in Guidelines

10 Hosting – Check in Guidelines

Guidelines – Reading Teams Hosts – HOSTING TEAMS

1. On arrival for Check-in, Team Leader (only) must write names of all Readers & the chapter(s) being read in order of reading. (on Form/paper provided)

2. If Pastor is present he/she is invited to share and or to pray for up to 3 minutes (maximum) after Team is finished reading.

3. Ensure and confirm that all readers are appropriately dressed {GBM T-Shirts etc)

4. Confirm that all Readers have (and will be using the “physical i.e. printed book Bible) Authorized King James Version only (or Version selected by Pastor(s).

5. Confirm Readers are prepared to read up to speed; – 150 WPM (Words Per Minute)
Slow Readers will be allowed one(1) short Chapter (15-20 verses) Maximum.

6. Readers must sit as arranged by Hosts in their appropriate order for reading.

7. First Reader must state the book e.g. “The Gospel of” , “The Book of……”; and all Readers following must state the chapter (only) which they are reading; ”Chapter 2”

8. Make use of all punctuation…….. pauses, exclamations etc. be expressive and exciting in your reading. If mistakes are made, continue reading. Do not stop or say “sorry”.

9. You must be ready and at the podium at least seven to ten (7-10) verses before the previous Reader finishes.

10. Arrange order movements of stage/pulpit; e.g. Readers using the right podium must exit behind screen to the South Annex after reading. The left side reader just exits down the stairs to the South Annex (if applicable – subject to your local setting

11. After Reading, every Reader must (go to the designated location), sign Readers Register, update your Facebook Page (if you have one) and receive a token.

12. Facebook. Two(2) Readers to assist with cell/camera phone photo of all Readers on your Team while they are reading.

Facebook Posts and Likes; FACEBOOK Steps
1. Take Photo. 2 Go to Facebook Desk after Reading to post etc.

13. Invite Readers to Closing Celebration – Day 5 @ 4.00pm

14. Invite Readers to join Celebration Choir to sing in Closing Thanksgiving Celebration. Rehearsals will be – (Days 2, 3, 4) 5-6.00pm

15. Ask for Helpers – Media & Stage, Facebook, Hosting, Prayer.

16. Invite readers to make a personal Contribution / Offering (if applicable).

17. Pray with the group, before seating Readers in their respective areas

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