06 Reading Guidelines

06 Reading Guidelines

Bible Version

Recommend ONLY the Authorized King James Version

  • Being the most widely available and used version, it is recommended that all Readers use the same version.
  • If your Church is doing the entire Marathon itself [alone], this is open to your Pastor’s preference)

Team Leaders

The Pastor or Group Leader must appoint someone capable to be the Team Leader for your Church/Group.

Reading Guidelines

Average Reading Speed of 150 Words Per Minute (WPM required to complete the Bible in 94 hours.

  • Clearly
  • Expressively with Excitement (where appropriate)
  • Accurate Pronunciation
  • Observe Punctuations
  • Practice, Practice, Practice
  • Pray, Pray, Pray

For The Holy Spirit to anoint and use The Word to touch lives
bringing Salvation, Healing, Deliverance, Blessings

Marathon Reading

  • Starts 6.00pm January 1st.
  • Ends 4.00pm January 5th
  • Duration 94 Hours
  • Non Stop Seamless Reading
  • Pastor Prays &/or Shares for up to 3 minutes at end of  his/her Team’s Reading
  • Invite everyone to join your Reading Team
  • Enlist as many Readers as possible from your Church/Group
  • Readers who are not strong readers limited to reading only one short chapter max. 15 20 verses)

Reading Teams

Prepare to read with excellence

  • Team Leader must arrange for (several) Reading practice sessions to ensure ALL Readers know their reading well and can read at the required speed of 150WPM (as much as possible); which is achievable for average strong readers.
  • ARRIVAL CHECK IN 2 Hours before Assigned Reading Time
  • Have Backup Readers for your Team in the event a listed Reader is unable to read



Dress Code

Suggested and subject to to local custom


GBM Jerseys if arranged

Skirts (only)

GBM Jerseys if arranged

Readers must not wear Jerseys with other prints
Only a plain white top/jersey allowed if GBM Jersey not worn



Pastors’ Time

Your Pastor (or his representative) is invited to share in Prayer and/or Exhortation, preferably from your Assigned Reading, for up to three (3) minutes after your Team is finished reading

Bible Study

If possible organzie Bible Study Lessons for your Readers on the Scriptures you are assigned so they can better understand and learn from what they are reading.

Facebook Promotion

  • All your Readers (Teens, Youths, Adults) are invited to post on their Facebook Page after they read.
  • Take Photos during and after Reading
  • Can do 30 60 second Interviews of Readers and Post also

GBM Choir

Calling hundreds of Singers for A Great Celebration Choir
JOIN THE CHOIR for the Closing Thanksgiving Celebration

4.00pm on Day 5

Inviting you and all your brethren from your Assembly

5 – 6pm Days 2, 3, 4 (or other suitable times)

GBM Jerseys

If your Church/Group wishes you may print Jerseys for Readers and Workers

Standard printing will show on Front
GBM Logo

Psalm 119.105 GBM Theme Verse)

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