13 Closing Service

13 Closing Service

GLOBAL BIBLE MARATHON 2020 Theme : Psalm 119.105
GBM Statement of purpose: to inspire people everywhere – readers, listeners, viewers, to embrace god’s word in our everyday lives, the light for our journey in life, the gospel of our salvation through the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Inspiring everyone to embrace it – read it, meditate on it, study it, believe it, obey it, apply it!


Closing Thanksgiving Celebration
4.00pm – 5.30pm 5th. January
(4.00pm) 00.01 End of Marathon (Timing – end of Reading – Revelation 22. 21)
Celebration Choir – We Shall Behold Him 00.06
(remain on stage/pulpit until 2nd. rendition)
Opening Prayer 00.08
Welcome Remarks by Moderator 00.10
Praise & Worship – Worship Team 00.20
Celebration Choir – 2nd. Rendition 00.25
Scripture Reading 1 00.28
Childrens’ Choir 00.33
Scripture Reading 2 00.38
Greetings from Community or Government official (s) 00.43
Appreciations to Workers, Participants, etc 00.53
Offering 00.58
Message 00.70…..
Closing Remarks & Benediction (with recording of live celebration songs)
NB. Above Timings (actually end times) are suggested


During the Reading of the last Chapters of Revelation, the Choir takes its place on Stage; Immediately as Revelation 22 is completed, the Moderator/Chairman leads Congregation in moments of Praise and Hallelujahs; and then immediately the Choir proceeds with Theme Song “We Shall Behold Him”……….. (Hallelujah! What A glorious experience)

For Scripture Reading
Recommend a child or teen who were outstanding or otherwise stood out in their reading in the GBM2020.

The Celebration Choir is made up of Readers and Singers from all the participating Churches/Groups who are invited to join for a mass choir to lead in glorious praises to celebrate the completion of the Marathon.
Choir rehearsals are held for one hour on Days 2,3,4, (we do it 5-6pm so singers can be there straight from work before they head home) and prepare to sing well- known wonderful songs.
Suggested Theme Song – We Shall Behold Him
A second song is also prepared.

The Choir Director can send out word to Team Leaders ahead of the Marathon, regarding the songs selected. Choir Attire Black & White (or as preferred) Other Choice Songs done 2014-2019 Soon and Very Soon Every Praise Midnight Cry For Thou O Lord Total Praise Praise Medley of Can’t Stop Praising His Name, Every Praise & We Lift our Hands in the Sanctuary. For the first time in 2019 we added a Children’s Choir to sing The B-I-B-L-E That’s the Book for Me & Read Your Bible Pray Everyday in Medley Style

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