09 Hosting General Guidelines

09 Hosting General Guidelines

Advance calls to Reading Teams

Starting December 30th – 31st

Place Calls to Pastors or Team Leaders daily to confirm attendance of each
Church/Reading Team scheduled for the next/following day.

Reading Teams Check In

Reading Teams required to Check in at least two hours before scheduled time of reading

  • Hosting team checks in each reading team on arrival
  • Check in area should be fixed with
    • Seating
    • A monitor to observe marathon in progress (if Necessary/available)
    • Refreshments
  • Hosting team completes the check in process and prepares team for their time of reading
  • After check in team is seated where they will be ready to read in their listed order

Readers Check Out

After reading, readers proceed to designated area to

  • Sign Readers Register
  • Receive a Token (if provided)
  • For Pictures & Interviews
  • Facebook Posting

Readers Register

  • For a record prepare a Readers Register where all Readers will sign after completing their Reading
  • Place the Register in a suitable location with Workers assigned
  • Reader will receive a Token after signing if provided
  • Use a Notebook; Ruled for Readers Name, Age Bracket,
  • Use a separate Page for each Reading Team headed with
    name of Church/Organization/Team

Backup Readers

  • Organize a number of persons to serve as Backup Readers
  • Backup Readers must be strong Readers who can read from any part of the Bible without having to practice in advance
  • Must be available to respond to call at short notice
  • If a Team will not show up at all or on time, Backup Readers must be on standby to read in their place
  • This will ensure uninterrupted seamless non stop reading throughout the Marathon
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